Fair Play R-2 kid improving district schools

No Tax Increase Bond Issue

Excellence in Education

The Fair Play community shares on ongoing commitment to the best in rural education for our students, including outstanding learning environments and educational opportunities for every student. On Tuesday, April 2, voters will be asked to vote on a NO TAX INCREASE BOND ISSUE which will allow for the continuation of improvements at our schools. For more information, contact Superintendent Dr.David Geurin at (417)654-2231.

Vote April 2, 2024

Elementary Needed Upgrades

  • Replace HVAC systems that are

    failing and at the end of

    their useful life

  • Construct secure entrance

  • Upgrade exterior doors and

    access control system

  • Remodel bathrooms

  • Replace windows

  • Construct covered entryways at

    the North and South entrances

  • Construct a secure, enclosed

    walkway between the Elementary

    and Middle Buildings

High School Needed Upgrades

  • Upgrade exterior doors and

    access control system

  • Construct secure entrance

  • Replace failing cafeteria

    equipment that is at the end

    of its useful life

  • Install air-conditioning in

    the Vo-Ag Building Shop

  • Make improvements to the

    softball and baseball fields

District Needed Upgrades

  • Purchase adjacent land for additional parking and future needs

Why now?

A bond issue is a traditional way for schools to borrow money to pay for major maintenance and repair projects, such as adding security measures or upgrading deteriorating facilities. This proposal is a $1.9 Million NO TAX INCREASE Bond issue, meaning voter approval will not increase the District’s debt service tax rate of $0.7385, which is dedicated to the repayment of bonds. The money from the bond issues can only be used for capital needs, such as construction, repair, or renovation. These funds cannot be used for salaries, transportation costs, utilities, textbooks, or other supplies.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can there be a no-tax increase when a bond issue passes?

Each year the district pays off old debt from past bonds.  As the loan decreases, the district can borrow more.  To generate additional revenue, the tax rate is extended, but not increased.

Will a “no” vote on a no tax increase issue lower taxes?

No, the current tax rate will not be lowered if the bond issue fails.

Can the money generated by passing a no tax increase bond issue be used for things other than capital expenses?

No, it cannot be used for salaries, supplies, utilities, etc.

What does Fair Play have on the April ballot?

It is a NO TAX RATE INCREASE bond issue on the April 4 ballot.

Will the district's no-tax rate increase bond issue change the tax rate?

No, whether it passes or fails the tax rate will remain the same.  If it passes, the tax will be extended from its current end date.

What are the reasons for putting this issue on the ballot? 

Without bond money, facility improvements and upgrades would need to be made out of the normal operating budget, which means cuts would have to be made to other programs, projects, and salaries.

If the bond passes, how will the money be distributed?

The district held a planning meeting with input from parents, staff, community members, etc. to prioritize projects and make recommendations to the board of education.  The administration and board of education will work to ensure as many of the projects will be completed as possible with the funds that are generated.