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Bond 2024: Keep improving District Schools

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Thank you Fair Play for supporting the 2024 No-Tax Increase Bond Issue to keep improving our schools! The issue passed with nearly 80% approval. Work is underway this summer to replace HVAC systems, improve insulation, upgrade to LED lighting, and install durable exterior doors that will enhance security. Check back for photos and further updates on progress!

Why Us

Over 100 years of Excellence

Fair Play R-II graduated its first group of four-year Seniors in 1922, the same year our PTA was formed

Small Class Sizes

With a 12 : 1 student-to-teacher ratio, our educators know our learners

Retain & Train Strong Educators ranks Fair Play R-II among the Best Places to Teach in Missouri

Community is Key

From parental involvement to community partners, Fair Play students are supported on and off campus

Hornet Strong

student in red jacket receiving award

student smiles with candy

nhs induction