There IS a manhunt off of 32 highway. Central Dispatch says there is no need for a lockdown at school. We HAVE and WILL take precautions. I’ll notify you of any changes.

The first day back to school is Jan. 4th for students. All staff will be back Jan. 3rd for school safety training. We want all the staff to KNOW what to do to keep your child safe in case of the worst case happening. We hope all of you have had a great break and you are ready to come back to school on the 4th. I know I’m ready to get everyone back in school.

2017 Seniors coming back to impart wisdom to the 2018 Seniors.

Correction: Please call 654-2231, 654-2232 or 654-2233 for corrections to our automated notification. Apparently Santa’s elves are getting too tired right here before Christmas and posted a Bolivar prefix instead of Fair Play prefix. 😅

I hope this call finds you well and we want to wish everyone happy holidays! This is the final test call for bad weather. If you hear of someone who did not receive this call, please have them call the school at 417-326-2232. GO HORNETS!

Carson Scholarship Recipients

Hermitage Girl's Tournament

There will be a basketball skills camp for grades 4-8 on December 2nd and 8th. All students are eligible to attend. This is a free event. You must have a second pair of shoes to use on the gym floor. Future dates will be announced in January. The goal will be to try and have skills camp two Saturdays a month.

Pre-school November family Celebration dinner.

This year our school began utilizing Google Classroom in the junior high. On this free resource, teachers can post assignments, give quizzes and provide feedback for each class. Parents have the opportunity to join their student’s virtual classrooms by providing an e-mail address to Mrs. Jessen at mcarden-jessen@fairplay.k12.mo.us.

There will be a Fall Dance tonight from 7:30 to 10 in the Multi-purpose room. The cost is $3 per student, this includes 2 pieces of pizza and a drink.

All Veterans are invited to join us Nov.10. A luncheon will be held for the veterans at 1 in the multi-purpose room. Followed by an assembly at 2 in the big gym.Everyone is invited to the assembly.

Just a reminder tomorrow, Tues. Nov.7, 4-7 pm experts will be available in the Admin. building computer lab to help you and your child fill out the FAFSA. Please take advantage of this help.

Family night is Thursday Nov. 9 from 5 to 7. If you are attending please return the form to school on Monday November 6.

Cross Country State Championship schedule: Boys 9:35am Girls 10:45am

Tues. Nov. 7 in the middle building computer lab from 4-7 pm. Experts will be here to help with FAFSA completion.Bring student and parent 2016 tax information. If you have questions call Mrs. G.

We will have a Send-off for our state bound Cross Country tomorrow @ 11:45am. GO HORNETS!!!

The JH Basketball Recognition Dinner is tonight at 6:00 pm in the cafeteria.

Fair Play Boy’s Team won 2nd at XC Districts!!!
D. Storment 2nd
C. Shuler 5
N. Rutledge 6
M. Hoxsie 19th
K. Wright 25
H. Mincks 30
On to state with our 2 Ladies and the boy’s Team.

CORRECTION!!!!!! Raffle tickets are $1.00 each. So sorry! My bad😅